Our goal:
Bone marrow donor registries and transplantation development in Russia, the development of interactions between scientific and clinical communities
Our mission:
Organization of bone marrow donor recruitment, development of donor database and unrelated donor search
We collaborate with transplant centers and registries around the world

To our partners:
Human Progenitor Cell Registry (HPC registry) is the non-profit organization organized by public health facility Clinical Center of Cell Technologies and non-governmental organization Victoria helping children suffer from oncohaematology diseases for creating the unite information space to facilitate the unrelated donor search in 2012. At the present day HPC registry is one of the biggest registry in Russia. HPC registry collaborate with Russian and international transplant centers and registries. Since 2010 HPC registry has an access to BMDW and since 2013 HPC registry is the organizational member of WMDA. We regularly run the events for new donors and development of bone marrow donor movement.
At the present day HPCR registry has
4 648
potential donors in the database
We invite a blood banks, other registries and cord blood banks, transplant centers for a cooperation and ready to consider every proposal.
To donors:
Why the bone marrow registries are needed?
he first successful transplantation for the treatment of patient diagnosed with leukemia from unrelated donor took place more than 30 years ago. And now this method can be successfully used to treat severe diseases of hemopoietic system, hereditary and oncological diseases in the cases when there is no another way. This approach is commonly used for treatment of child and adult patients. But unfortunately only in one third cases the donor can be found among family. For others the only “stranger” can help (unrelated donor). For search of this kind of donors many factors should be considered, HLA primarily. The number of the variants is very big, even despite of some genes is common. And to find the matched donor in time in the beginning of 1980th the system of bone marrow donor registries was established (in other words – the bone marrow donor banks). Therefore, the life of patient can depend on the finding of matched donor in database. In Russia the number of bone marrow donors is precious little, that is why we appreciate each donor. Each donor is a chance for patient.
The first step to help to save a human life and gift a hope for saving from severe disease is to become a potential donor.
Requirements for donors
Your age is between 18 and 45
You have no contra indications
What I need to do?
To enter the Registry you have to complete consent and submit to the 5 ml blood sample. You can do this at the following address:
159, Tashkentskaya St., Samara
State Public Health Facility “Samara Regional Center of Family Planning and Reproduction”, phone +7 (846) 203-98-08
How can I help?
- You can help us to draw the new donors.
Please tell your friends and family about us, and how it is important.
- You can help us to organize a donor initiative. We can visit your company and read a lecture about bone marrow donorship and those who wish can become a potential donor and submit to a blood sample.
III Eurasian congress “Issues of development of voluntary donation”
4-7 April in Astana (Kazakhstan) the 3^rd Eurasian congress “Issues of development of voluntary donation” took place. The organizer of this congress was “Research and Manufacturing Center of Transfusiology”. During the congress the issues of clinical applications...
4-7 April in Astana (Kazakhstan) the 3^rd Eurasian congress “Issues of development of voluntary donation” took place. The organizer of this congress was “Research and Manufacturing Center of Transfusiology”.
During the congress the issues of clinical applications of blood components and issues of HSC transplantation and development of bone marrow donor registries were discussed.
Stanislav Volchkov (the quality assurance manager of MC “ Dynasty”) and Dmitry Klyuchnikov (the coordinator of BMDR of MC “ Dynasty”) gave the reports. The participation in the conference was supported by Presidential grant.
The first donation from the donor of our register!
We are pleased to announce that on June 7 the first donation of bone marrow from a donor of our registry took place. A young man of 29 years old became a donor for a 39 year old woman diagnosed with...
We are pleased to announce that on June 7 the first donation of bone marrow from a donor of our registry took place.
A young man of 29 years old became a donor for a 39 year old woman diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. The procedure of collection and transplantation was held in St. Petersburg in the Raisa Gorbacheva Memorial Research Institute of Children Oncology, Hematology and Transplantation in Pavlov First Saint-Petersburg State Medical University.
We are very grateful to the donor for his really big and good deed. We wish the patient a speedy recovery!
Dear Colleagues and Donors!
In appreciation of our association during the past year we extend our very best wishes!
May this holiday season brighten you up with peace, joy and good cheer!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
International Childhood Cancer Day
February 15 in the pressroom of “Komsomolskaya Pravda” a press conference addressed International Childhood Cancer Day took place. In the press conference a head of nosocomial pediatrics dept. of SSMU, a main nontenured specialist of Samara region Ministry of Health and Care Services on pediatrics Lilia Mazur; a main...
February 15 in the pressroom of “Komsomolskaya Pravda” a press conference addressed International Childhood Cancer Day took place.
In the press conference a head of nosocomial pediatrics dept. of SSMU, a main nontenured specialist of Samara region Ministry of Health and Care Services on pediatrics Lilia Mazur; a main nontenured specialist of Samara region Ministry of Health and Care Services on pediatric oncology, a head of oncohematology dept. of Samara State Child Hospital #1 named after N.Ivanova Andrey Shamin; the transfusiologist of SBHF “Samara regional blood station” Elena Kabanova; the executive director of NP “HPC Registry” Stanislav Volchkov and the head of Samara regional noncommercial organization helping child diagnosed with oncohematological diseases “Victoria” Tatyana Ziteva participated.
There a lot of questions regarding diagnostics of oncohematological diseases in child in Samara region, treatment and rehabilitation, platelet and hematopoietic stem cell, bone marrow and cord blood donation were discussed.
70 people became a potential donors
We accord a thank to all the new donors whose enter the registry Saturday October 10th. Today in our registry now more than 3000 potential donors, and each of them is a chance and hope for hundreds and thousands of patients.
We would like to thank Solovieva Natalia for her support...
We accord a thank to all the new donors whose enter the registry Saturday October 10th. Today in our registry now more than 3000 potential donors, and each of them is a chance and hope for hundreds and thousands of patients.
We would like to thank Solovieva Natalia for her support.
Just to remind you: you can become a potential bone marrow donor you have to be 18-45 years old and have no contraindications every working day from 10 until 15 at address Samara, 159 Tashkentskaya St., Samara Regional Center of Family Planning and Reproduction.
Dear Colleagues and Donors!
We thank you for the cooperation and wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2016!
Registry’s personnel addressed the meeting in Kirov
October 7th, the executive director of HPC registry addressed the report regarding automation in registries routine work at the National conference Kirov Institute of Hematology and Transfusion.
The development of automation can make the work in registries and the contacts between transplant centers and registries much easier.
October 7th, the executive director of HPC registry addressed the report regarding automation in registries routine work at the National conference Kirov Institute of Hematology and Transfusion.
The development of automation can make the work in registries and the contacts between transplant centers and registries much easier
Thank you, donor!
We accord a thank to all those who join the event and enter the registry September 19th. At International Bone Marrow Donor Day. In this day you gave the hope to those who really need this. You made a big and good cause...
We accord a thank to all those who join the event and enter the registry September 19th. At International Bone Marrow Donor Day. In this day you gave the hope to those who really need this. You made a big and good cause.
Thanks to all who supported us: Press Service of Samara Regional Government, newsportal Samara Online, Big Village, TV and radio company Guberniya, magazine Samara and Guberniya and many other.
About us:
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4159, Tashkentskaya St., 443095, Samara, Russia
+7 (846) 202-96-76,
+7 (846) 202-96-76,
Moscow, Russia
ФГБУ «РДКБ» Минздрава России
Морозовская детская городская клиническая больница
ФГБУ НМИЦ гематологии Минздрава России
ФНКЦ ДГОИ им.Д.Рогачева
Saint Petersburg, Russia
НИИ ДОГиТ им. Р.М. Горбачевой
ГОУ ВПО СПбГМУ им. акад. И.П. Павлова
Linz, Austria
Krankenhaus der Elisabethinen
Oslo, Norway
The Norwegian Bone Marrow Donor Registry,
Oslo University Hospital – Rikshospitalet
Miskolc, Hungary
Borsod County University Hospital
Minsk, Belarus
Copenhagen, Denmark
Melbourne, Australia
Royal Melbourne Hospital
Montreal, Canada
The Royal Victoria Hospital
Boston, USA
Dana Farber Cancer Institute
Graz, Austria
LKH Graz
Vienna, Austria
Austrian BMDR
Krakow, Poland
Children's University Hospital
Jerusalem, Israel
Haddasah Hospital
Bristol, UK
Bristol Royal Hospital for Children
Manchester, UK
Royal Manchester Children's Hospital
Yekaterinburg, Russia
ГБУЗ СО Областная детская клиническая больница №1
Cape Town, South Africa
UCT Private Academic Hospital
London, UK
Antony Nolan
Linz, Austria
Krankenhaus der Elisabethinen
Graz, Austria
LKH Graz
Vienna, Austria
Austrian BMDR
Всемирный день донора костного мозга состоится 19 сентября в субботу. Этот день отмечается в этом году впервые по инициативе Всемирной Ассоциации по донорству костного мозга (WMDA) и сразу в 52 странах по всему миру. Самая главная цель этого дня – это в первую очередь привлечь внимание людей к проблеме донорства. Даже сегодня есть пациенты, которым, несмотря на невероятно большие усилия, не удается найти донора среди доноров в международной базе, а она насчитывает уже больше 25 миллионов потенциальных доноров. Помимо привлечения самих доноров, это событие также призвано обратить внимание и повысить степень осведомленности не только среди профессионалов, но и что ничуть не менее важно, чем среди общественных деятелей и организаций.